
I had a supply of photo paper and a some developer so decided to experiment with Chemigrams,  this was a first attempt for me, so was a lot of trial and error.

But first, a bit of research on how to do the process,  The chemigram process was discovered by Pierre Cordier in 1956. It’s a  process that uses resists on photographic paper. Cordier discovered that a resist can hold back the chemical effects of developer and fixer on black and white photo paper for a time. Paper put into developer that has been exposed to normal room light for varying periods of time will turn black, except where a resist blocks the chemical reaction. The parts of the paper protected by the resist will continue to change colour from extended exposure to room light, likewise, paper put into fixer turns white, except where a resist blocks the chemical reaction.

With a back and forth from developer to fixer or fixer to developer, the resist begins to dissolve, so the next chemical bath either turns slowly exposing paper under the dissolving resist black (developer) or white (fixer)

Source Alternative Photography

I raided my cupboards for substances to use for my resist and used butter and honey.  With the honey producing the best results.

A selection of my scanned chemigrams

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